27 Mar It can start with a cough
By Shirin Nargis Fatima Ahmad
Respiratory infections are headline news these days, with the new disease Covid-19, caused by a coronavirus, taking centre stage. Coronaviruses are a family of viruses which get their name because they look like they’re wearing crowns (divas, I know!), and settle in people’s airways, where they multiply and cause infection. The most common symptoms are fever (high temperature), tiredness and a dry cough. Some people may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhoea. These symptoms are usually mild, but in some cases can cause severe illness which will need to be treated with medical assistance.
Not everyone develops the severe illness, but those who are elderly or have a long-term health condition have an increased risk of doing so. It’s important to know what we can do to lower our risk of getting the disease. First and foremost, following the Public Health advice is imperative to protect yourself and your loved ones. This includes washing our hands diligently and practising social distancing.

It is also equally important to understand what aspects of our lifestyles will increase our risk of infectious diseases. Cigarette smoking has been known to change lung structure and function, and also affect how well our immune system works. As a result, people who smoke are at a higher risk of getting lung infections. In a time where the coronavirus poses an increased risk to our health, being smoke free could lower your risk of infection.
Being smoke free also brings a range of other health benefits, from improving circulation to helping you breathe better. Research also shows that those who quit smoking report being happier than people who were still smoking. What’s more, you can notice many of the benefits of being smoke free in the first hours, days, weeks, months and years.
You are three times more likely to quit smoking when you have the support of a Stop Smoking Advisor and access to medication.
Looking for support? Kick It will support you to be smoke free with 6 one to one, sessions with our stop smoking advisors and provide you with 6 weeks of medication to help you quit smoking for good. Join now by visiting our quit now page or phone us on 020 3434 2500.
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