Kick It will provide you with six free weekly sessions of help and support to get you through the hardest part of quitting. The first appointment is usually a little longer at 30 minutes but the remainder are relatively brief at around 15 minutes. Over the 6 sessions you will:
Most GP surgeries and some pharmacies in our boroughs deliver stop smoking support from advisors whom we have trained to run Kick-It interventions. Additionally, our core Kick It team run sessions from alternative venues such as hospitals, libraries, community centres.
Also don’t worry if you have a busy schedule, our staff run stop smoking clinics in the mornings, afternoons and evenings. Our Remote Support Team is able to offer the service via the telephone.
You won’t be inhaling the dangerous toxins in cigarettes like tar or carbon monoxide. Health benefits start within 24 hours but in 10 years your risk of heart attack will be that of someone who has never smoked.
You’ll end up saving an absolute fortune – Around £3000 if you smoke 20 a day. Fancy a Caribbean cruise or a new car?
You protect them from second hand smoke at home and your children have less risk of developing infections and asthma.